In the spring of 2011, Lone Star Labradoodles continued its tradition of donating dogs to Ronald McDonald Houses, where they live and serve as companions and loving therapy pets to families and children suffering from life-threatening disorders. In addition to Mogie in Houston and McLovin (“Mac”) in Ft. Worth, Lone Star’s Cooper now calls the Charleston, South Carolina, Ronald McDonald House his home. The article below recently appeared in Lowcountry Dog Magazine and was submitted by Barbara A. Bond, Executive Director Ronald McDonald House Charities of Charleston, South Carolina.
Meet a Lowcountry Dog: Cooper Jamie McDonald
Cooper got his first name from a naming contest in the local schools, Cooper was voted as the number one favorite name. Jamie is Cooper’s middle name. Jamie is a boy whose family stayed at the Ronald McDonald House. And, of course, Cooper’s last name is shared with our favorite clown, Ronald McDonald. Cooper is a male Labradoodle, thirteen months old. He has been at the Ronald McDonald House just under one year.
He loves people and loves to be petted and played with. Cooper also loves other dogs, especially other doodles.
The children at the Ronald McDonald House love to pet and play with Cooper. But one of the most memorable moments with Cooper was with one of our dads. Cooper was in my office, and the dad tapped on the door and asked if he could come in and pet Cooper. This young dad sat on the floor and buried his face in Cooper’s fur. As he petted Cooper, he told me about his son who was undergoing open heart surgery. He talked about his dog back home and how his son loved that dog. He talked about the dog he had as a boy and what a good friend that dog was to him. Cooper, who is usually playful and full of energy, seemed to know that his job was to quietly listen. Cooper quietly looked up at this young man who needed comforting, and occasionally nudged him with his nose as if to say, “I’m listening” and “I understand.”

Lanie and Cooper
Cooper is one of the happiest dogs I have ever seen. In fact, we have given him the title Director of Smiles because he makes everyone smile. He loves people and loves to be petted and played with. Cooper also loves other dogs, especially other doodles. He enjoys running and chasing other dogs at Sky Dogs Park. He also loves the beach and swimming in the ocean on his days off.
Cooper has introduced me to the family of dog lovers in Charleston and the many good people like All Creatures Vet, VIP Grooming and BarkBusters, whose donation has made it possible for us to have Cooper at the Ronald McDonald House of Charleston. I have become an avid follower of Lowcountry Dog Magazine on Facebook, and enjoy reading articles on dog behavior, nutrition and the many tips and words of advice from the articles.
Submitted by Barbara A. Bond, Executive Director Ronald McDonald House Charities
Follow Cooper on Facebook and enjoy his adventures and labors of love at RMH Charleston. Check Cooper out in this cute video posted on YouTube by his family there.