Jack Nicklaus and Lone Star’s Bunker Appear in Commercial

Posted by Lanie in Lone Star News

North Palm Beach, Florida – Most people know Jack Nicklaus as the Golden Bear of golf. He’s been named Golfer of the Century and Golfer of the Millennium, as well as Individual Male Athlete of the 20th Century by Sports Illustrated and was decorated with the nation’s highest civilian honor, the Presidential Medal of Freedom—impressive accolades for any sports icon. Even beyond the game of golf, his name is synonymous with excellence.

What most people don’t know about Jack is that he and his family are dog lovers. Dogs have always played a huge role in their family’s life, and they’re careful about who they trust with their pet’s care. VetIQ is proud that VetGuard Plus is their preferred product for flea and tick control.

This spring, VetIQ met with Jack and Barbara Nicklaus, as well as their dog, Bunker (sand-trap golf pun intended). We wanted to learn more about them—up close and personal—and see why they endorse our product. They graciously invited VetIQ to visit them at their North Palm Beach home in South Florida.

Soon into the visit, it became apparent that Bunker is part of the family—an important part. The Nicklaus family loves him and takes extra special care of him. Bunker is the offspring of Lone Star Labradoodles’ Romo and Abbie. From the start, dog and family have bonded. Bunker is very affectionate and will wave his paw “goodbye” to departing visitors.

Before Bunker, there was Cali, a beautiful Golden Retriever from the same kennel that produced former President Ford’s Golden and one of several the Nicklauses have had through the years. She would bark six times when asked, “How many Masters Tournaments has Jack won?” Smart girl! She was exactly right.

The strong relationship between pet and “parent” is evident. Naturally, VetIQ asked the Nicklauses why they decided to recommend our product. Jack reports that before endorsing VetGuard Plus, he consulted with Bunker’s veterinarian, Dr. Laura Grigsby, who then carefully reviewed the ingredients. The resulting flea and tick control has been successful. Because of the quality results and cost-effective price, VetGuard Plus is a product Jack Nicklaus recommends consumers consider.


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